The VIENNA HEALTH PROMOTION - WiG promotes the dialogue between people with and without disabilities with the project "Jede*r für Jede*n - everyone for everyone - encounters between people with and without disabilities".
For this purpose, the Drehstrom film production shot videos with 15 different organizations, institutions and self-help groups in Vienna between January and May 2023, which present the offer and services for people with disabilities and those affected by illnesses and as a suggestion for improving inclusion and accessibility serve in the city. Another film, which includes all 15 participants, spreads the message of the project and emphasizes the importance of inclusion and integration of people with disabilities in Vienna.
The city of Vienna wants to be a city for all people – regardless of whether they have disabilities or not. A large number of institutions, associations and self-help groups are committed to a self-determined life for people with disabilities, so that Vienna can truly become a city for everyone.
BALANCE – Leben ohne Barrieren offers artists with disabilities space and support to develop their creativity with bild.Balance. In the Käthe Dorsch residential association, the facility offers an innovative assisted living project where people with disabilities can live in their own apartments.
biv – die Akademie für integrative Bildung offers adult education courses for people with and without disabilities and is committed to education for all people.
BIZEPS – Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben advises and supports people with disabilities in being able to lead an independent, self-determined life. BIZEPS also advises companies and organizations on the implementation of accessibility.
CBMF – Club behinderter Menschen und ihrer Freunde offers leisure activities to people with disabilities and advocates for the inclusion and rights of people with disabilities.
The Elternforum Down Syndrom Wien organizes playgroups for families with children with Down syndrome. Through the exchange between parents, information can be passed on, fears are alleviated and parents know that they are not alone.
The dance club “Ich bin O.K.” has been offering a variety of dance courses for people with and without disabilities since 1979. The “Ich bin O.K.” Dance Company regularly performs internationally together with professional dancers.
The Medizinische Selbsthilfezentrum Wien "Martha Frühwirt" is unique in Austria. It offers infrastructure (offices, meeting rooms, gym, garden) and support for many medical self-help groups.
The music groups of the Parkinson Selbsthilfe Wie meet regularly to drum and sing. In the community, the participants support each other in living with Parkinson's disease.
The pro mente WIen self-help groups offer discussion groups for people with mental illnesses. Through exchanges with other affected people, people are seen and supported in life with their illnesses.
Rainman's Home offers day structures for people with autism in Vienna. A variety of creative activities (cooking, music, yoga, artistic workshops) support people with autism in structured daily routines with a lot of empathy.
The self-help group for traumatic brain injury offers participants exchange and information and undertakes joint activities, e.g. special tours of the Kunsthistorisches Museum Vienna.
The Selbstvertretungs-Zentrum für Menschen mit Lernschwierigkeiten organizes events and is committed to the needs and rights of people with learning difficulties in Vienna.
The Blickkontakt association organizes further training and leisure activities for sighted, visually impaired and blind people and advocates for their concerns.
The association "Ich bin aktiv" organizes leisure activities for adults with disabilities in Vienna - for example a visit to the Motorikpark, where you can try out lots of fun things.
The Wiener Gehörlosen Sportclub 1901 & Kulturverein was founded by Rudolf Glaser. The club offers many different sports for deaf people in Vienna in 13 sections so far.