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Here you can find a selection of links to previous satisfied clients of  the Drehstrom film production:


What previous customers say about the Drehstrom film production:

Wie bisherige Kunden die Drehstrom Filmproduktion in Wien empfehlen."Creating corporate videos based on the ideas of everyone involved is a very special challenge. It is therefore amazing how well Christian Hörlesberger turned the briefing into a clip that everyone involved liked! The professional way of working - asking at the right time whether you are on right path - has led to a result very quickly that sums up our corporate purpose seriously and yet playfully. Thank you Christian Hörlesberger for the sensitivity, by listening carefully to implement the details creatively and precisely!"

Mag. Mario Filoxenidis, Managing Director EUCUSA Consulting GmbH

Wie bisherige Kunden die Drehstrom Videoproduktion in Wien empfehlen."Absolut empfehlenswert! Wir haben Herrn Hörlesberger mit zwei Einreichungsvideos für den webAd 2019 beauftragt. Die Kommunikation, der Workflow und das Ergebnis waren sehr zufriedenstellend. Änderungswünsche wurden schnell und gut umgesetzt. In Zukunft gerne wieder mit Drehstrom!"

Purpur Media

Wie bisherige Kunden die Drehstrom Filmproduktion in Wien empfehlen."Highly professional, reliable, committed and service-oriented. For me, working with Christian Hörlesberger was extremely pleasant and uncomplicated. Mr. Hörlesberger skillfully and confidently took over the coordination in advance and implemented the project to our complete satisfaction and in a relatively short time. The result can really be seen! :-)"

Sandra Steiner, Public Relations Officer Vienna Health Promotion – WiG

Wie bisherige Kunden die Drehstrom Videoproduktion in Wien empfehlen."The collaboration with the Drehstrom film production was very positive. We as an association were very well prepared for the shoot by Christian Hörlesberger and received a script from him very quickly. The shoot itself also went smoothly and well. Thank you for the success End product that is very likeable and human."

pro mente Wien

Wie bisherige Kunden die Drehstrom Filmproduktion in Wien empfehlen."Thank you very much for the good collaboration! We really like the resulting video productions."

humboldt Verlag


Here you will find links to some film production cooperation partners in Vienna: