Drehstrom Filmproduktion e.U.
owner & managing director: Christian Hörlesberger
company register number: 643856y
commercial register court: Handelsgericht Wien
Address: Lützowgasse 14A/102, 1140 Wien, Austria
phone: +43-6991-925-32-19
E-mail: office@drehstrom.at
VAT-number: ATU66188403
member of Austrian Chamber of Trade, Commerce and Industry, Association of Film- and Music Production
relevant supervisory board: Magistratisches Bezirksamt für den 13./14. Bezirk, Hietzinger Kai 1-3, 1130 Vienna (trade administration)
applicable commercial and professional regulation: Austrian trade law
link to the Austrian Law Information System (RIS): RIS
link to the general terms and conditions of the Austrian Association of Film- and Music Production: TERMS & CONDITIONS
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